Disclaimer: This is a rather controversial topic. The purpose of this article is not to convince or persuade people as to the existence of extraterrestrial beings. We are merely presenting the facts. However, as this is a pertinent paranormal topic, it is shared in this newsletter simply as informational material. As with all paranormal subjects, it is up to the reader to make their own conclusions.
It is one thing to claim you have seen something weird in the sky, but it is quite another to come into contact with beings who you are pretty sure are not from our planet.
This happens.
It happens a LOT.
UFO sightings have been on the rise world-wide for quite a few years now and so are cases of encountering an alien being. Don’t think for a second it isn’t happening in Canada.
And yes, also in beautiful Nova Scotia.
About ten years ago I was told in extreme confidence by a very-distant relative that terrible things were happening to this person. Alien beings were coming into his bedroom at night, immobilizing him in his bed, causing him extreme panic in which he could not even move a muscle. It happened multiple times, disrupted his life and caused him extreme agitation. He is a straight-laced, no-nonsense kind of guy. It freaked him out to no end and he does not readily discuss it. Not sure if it is still happening to him. But yup, you guessed it: he also lives in Nova Scotia.
So don’t think it can’t happen here.
It has, and it will again.
If you have never read about the mysterious being encountered by me and my mother, here is the link to that post:
Man in a Human Suit(<---link)
Although the topic of mysterious objects seen in the skies around Nova Scotia has already been explored in the newsletter called (what else?) “Unidentified Flying Objects”, this newsletter will be more focused on exactly who may be maneuvering such craft.
We are but a tiny speck in the universe. To keep it simple and avoid the topic of “alternate and other possible universes” and only concentrating on the one we know of for sure, could we be the only ones to exist in all of that space? Surely not. I’ve said it before….it would be a terrible waste of space.
We’ve been to far-away places, such as the moon and other planets (with landers, and probes, etc.) within our solar system. Therefore, it stands to reason, that life elsewhere in the universe could also cruise around if it was within their means to do so. And why wouldn’t they visit Earth? Let’s face it: it’s pretty nice here. Gourmet chocolate is worth the trip alone.
There are plenty of reports of seeing unidentified crafts across Canada (and around the world).
Some of those incidents are recorded here, in case you missed it.
UFO Newsletter(<---link)
However, there are considerably less officially-reported cases of people experiencing an actual alien being. These range from a close encounter of the “Fourth” to “Seventh” Kind.
This is the classification scale (designed by astronomer, J. Allen Hynek) for categorizing encounters:
Although ufo sightings in Nova Scotia skies are sort of common, not a lot of people are willing to publicly discuss when they came face to face with an alien life form. Besides the “alien beings in the bedroom” mentioned above, I did come across a report out of Kentville, NS, from 2015, where an alien appeared at a bedside in the night and was touching the victim on the shoulders. No other details were given. It was officially reported to PSICAN.
Great documentary here about close encounters from other places besides N.S.:
(credit: "List25", YouTube)
You can actually get “Alien Abduction” insurance? It’s a real thing.
AND, what do Olivia Newton John, Elvis Presley, Fran Drescher, William Shatner, Robbie Williams, Muhammad Ali, Dan Aykroyd and John Lennon all have in common?
All have publicly claimed to have had ufo or alien encounters.
Why does this happen?
Why are people allegedly being visited and taken by aliens?
Like most paranormal topics, it’s just another question we may never have the answer to. We can only hope that we don’t become the victim and find out for ourselves what these encounters are like up close and personal.
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