Practically everyone has heard of a Ouija board, otherwise known as a “spirit board” or “talking board”. Spirit boards were first used in China as early as 1100 AD, as a means of communing with spirits through a type of automatic writing (the ability to produce written words without consciously writing).

Through the ages, the boards became increasingly popular parlour games for allegedly contacting the deceased.

Spiritualism was extremely popular in the U.S. in the 1840’s. The lure of a spirit board was irresistible to a large portion of the population. Parties, séances and social gatherings were perfect playing grounds for the boards and appealed to all ages, professions and social standings.

By 1891, a patent was granted for what we know today as the “Ouija” board. Apparently, it had “proven” to the patent office people that it did indeed work. The board games sold for as little as 95 cents and up to $ 1.50.

Contrary to popular belief, the patent holder asked the board itself what he should call it and it spelled “Ouija”, which means ‘good luck’. Many think it is a combination of “oui” and “ja”, French & German words for yes, but that is fiction.

The idea that a simple board and planchette could contact ghosts and spirits has been hotly debated over the years. It has been studied in laboratories, with results suggesting that the usage of the board and its’ results simply draw on the unconscious mind. (that’s for those who actually do NOT move the planchette on purpose)

I used to think the same thing myself; there’s a LOT of weird stuff in the world but does it seem even the slightest bit reasonable that whoever you “contact” with a Ouija board has just been sitting around waiting for you to get your friends together and light candles and place your hands on a planchette before they could show up? Couldn’t they contact you any way they wanted, without having to wait for a Ouija board invite?

However, it is interesting to note that several authors have written entire books on the words that have been dictated to them through the board. While that doesn’t necessarily mean that so-and-so’s ghost spelled out entire literary works on a Ouija board, it makes you wonder how LOTS of published works could coherently come through a Ouija board.

As you are most likely aware, the Ouija board has been an alluring and instrumental prop in creating many horror movies and books over the years. The Ouija board itself has been turned into everything from furniture to clothes to headstones. (Okay that last one is kind of cool)

Also, I’ve been known to hold the odd “Ouija Night” myself. All in fun, of course.

There have been a few previous posts on our Paranormal blog where I make mention of my own Ouija board use. 

I have flip-flopped back and forth on their validity based on my own experiences.

Do I personally think a “game” board can invite a spirit (good or bad) into a darkened room? I am, and mostly likely always will be, on the fence about this. As I tend to use this blog for presenting non-biased information on paranormal subjects, I will go on record as saying that for the most part I think they are harmless fun, but I don’t get too serious and witchy about it or try to summon Satan, either.

Having said that, you can find endless tales of people who have had horrifying experiences related to Ouija boards. Would their experiences have been the same if they had not had a board? Not likely.

One of my favorites:

Teenagers seemingly invited demonic spirits into the family home by use of a Ouija board. After much terror and an exorcism by the local church, the Ouija board was broken in two and banished to the curbside garbage can for pick up. The next day, the SAME Ouija board was found on a shelf in the basement, but it was now one piece again. The father took it outside and burned it in a trash can. The family moved. Upon entering their new, evil-free house, wouldn’t you know it…the same Ouija board was there waiting for them.

How did they know it was the same board over and over? Theirs had a distinct black X drawn on the back of it. Easily recognizable.

While I have no links to Ouija board tales throughout Nova Scotia, rest assured there are many people out there with their own true frightful tales of a séance or Ouija night gone wrong. 
Maybe you ARE one of those people. 

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